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"Fat Jesus" Competition in Auckland

When it comes down to it, NZ really leads the world in crassness and contempt for all things good. The "Fat Jesus" competition by an Auckland radio station epitomises this spirit with their craven mocking of God that needs force of numbers in order to justify it.

And why not be truthful, why not just say, yeah, we're making fun of God because we feel like it, and hey, all these other people are happy to join in and, and, and, it will increase our ratings. If they just came out and said that, I might have to rethink my use of the word "craven".
Mr Wratt said he believed the point the churches were reacting to was the "fat" aspect.

"In all honesty, I would say that the church didn't actually hear it therefore they probably got the facts wrong a little bit," he said.

"The only reason why we've called him fat is cause he is – so people can spot him."
And the fact that he's apparently holding a sign, saying "Jesus is a Boobies man" has nothing to do with the reaction? I suppose a man that can't tell the truth about Jesus is going to have trouble seeing the truth about what people are reacting to.
A website image showed a picture of the lookalike caressing a woman's breasts and with arms outstretched in a cruciform position imitating Jesus on the cross.

The Anglican and Catholic Churches want the competition withdrawn because it's offensive. But I think that beyond it's offensive nature, it perfectly captures some of the elements of Jesus's arrest, vilification and horrendous death.

The world hates Our Lord with a ferocious hatred. Those who are of this world can't help but join in. Those who are not of this world see this hatred for what it is.

Si mundus vos odit, scitote quia me priorem vobis odio habuit.
(John 15:18)

Related Link: 'Fat Jesus' competition evokes church's wrath ~ Stuff


  1. Yeah it's the fat part that's most offensive. The blasphemy comes a distant second. /sarcasm>

    How clueless are these people?

    Still like Banbers said, what do you do? Protest it out loud and you draw attention to it and make their campaign a success, protest it silently with your wallet (or dial as the case may be) and does anyone notice? (well the most important person does)

    You are not wrong though, this attitude should not come as any surprise to any Christian living in New Zealand. This sentiment has always been there, this radio station think they are doing nothing wrong because they know it is there too.

    However, the blame for the demise of the church and its influence on society can only be placed on one set of shoulders - the church's. We have failed to engage culture adequately and given ground we shouldn't have for far too long (I am aware in saying this that the Catholic Church is probably the least most reponsible in this charge, it was, in recent years largely the Protestants letting the team down but as a team we have failed)

  2. I certainly do believe in protesting out loud, rather than remaining silent. Otherwise, it's basically open-season, as they could rightly say that no one is protesting against it, therefore there's nothing wrong with it.

    As for your last paragraph, I could get into a detailed description of how Catholic Church leaders have given into what the world expects of them (especially NZ), but, I'm working on serious self-restraint at this point.

    Not going there, not going there, not going there ...

  3. Rather the ignorant mockers than those who get it so seriously wrong purporting to speak for Christianity as Glynn Cardy does in the Herald

  4. Let them mock. By doing so they demonstrate both their ignorance and their cowardice--ever notice how the mockery is never directed at islam or Hinduism?
    And to this non-religious person, it seems the Christian churches are being attacked as much from within as from without.
    To any searcher after truth and faith it's a dispiriting sight.

  5. Zynic,

    I just read the article you gave a link to.

    Oh my goodness, what is that man on?

    And then I read who he was and it all made sense.

    It's all about freedom? Er, really missing quite a lot there!

  6. KG,

    There's alot going on under the surface as well. Though that is something I've been having to remind myself of frequently, recently.

    The promise was never for things to go smoothly, the promise was for the grace to cope with whatever popped up.

    I've found that the closer I get to God, the harder everything becomes. It's almost like if I wanted a carefree existence, I should become an atheist.

    Except I've been there and it leads to a dead-end.

  7. I'll keep working at it Lucyna--at least I never expected it to be easy!

  8. Someone ought to ask them if they'd have the balls to try this against islam, expose them for the useless parasites they really are.


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