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Church Leaders Apologize for Actions of Priest

Both Archbishop Dew and Bishop Patrick Dunn have apologized for the actions of Father Gerard Burns in his attack on a Jewish monument yesterday. First a story from the Herald

The Archbishop of Wellington has apologised for the actions of a clergyman who attacked a memorial to former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin.

In a statement released yesterday, Archbishop John Dew moved to distance the church from Father Gerard Burns' actions during a Gaza conflict protest in the capital on Tuesday.

"Father Burns was acting on his own initiative, and did not carry out his protest as a representative of the Catholic Church in New Zealand," Archbishop Dew said.

"I offer an apology for Father Burns' actions and make this apology to all those who were offended at the desecration of the Rabin monument."

Auckland's Catholic Bishop Patrick Dunn has also joined calls for Father Burns to apologise for desecrating the memorial to Mr Rabin.

And also in the following letter to the Herald by Bishop Dunn -

Priest Irresponsible

Speaking as a long time advocate for Interfaith dialogue and co-operation, I believe Father Gerard Burns' actions are irresponsible and have potentially done great damage. I believe he owes an apology to the New Zealand public, the Jewish Community and to his colleagues in the Catholic clergy.


  1. Hooray for Bishop Dunn. I am very pleased to see his comments in print. THAT is grown up leadership.

    As for Dew, he KNEW what Burns was like before he made him VG. I have no sympathy for him as he has created the situation whereby Burns felt he could do what he did.

    Like Lucyna said earlier. Dew HAD to say something, but he certainly does not have the courage to strip Burns of the VGship, which is what he really should do. Dew said what he did to cover himself more than anything..

  2. You are a hard man Mr Tips!

    I think the Archbishop has acted properly, and I am predisposed to giving him the benefit of the doubt. He is my Archbishop after all!

    The demotion of Fr Burns is a possibility, as perhaps are other actions. It may take some considered reflection and perhaps prayers for guidance on this matter before the Archbishop goes any further.

    I think there may yet be more story to unfold.

  3. So that’s what happens when you incite religious hatred, desecrate a memorial, and implore the rest of New Zealand to destroy a sovereign state under the attack of a terrorist organisation?

    Your boss says a few “sorry on behalf of the church” statements and it’s all forgotten and the offender is left to return to ‘normal duty’ = all is forgiven.

    Burn’s pay-cheque arrives on Monday as per usual (thanks to YOUR ‘kind’ donation he can go on his anti-Semitic, anti-American crusade)

    This apology is nothing more than ‘weasel words’ – it changes nothing.

    Burns is unrepentant, he wants Israel to be wiped-off the face of the earth, and you guys think an apology from a 3rd party ‘cuts-it’?

    You are his defacto apologists.

    Surely being an overtly anti-Semite is worth more than a few words of admonishment – why not something punitive?

    Why doesn’t Burns get ‘stripped of his title’ and thrown out of the Church you all profess to follow?

    Just exactly what does it take to get turfed-out of the Catholic Church in New Zealand these-days?

    Bigots like Burns make me want to puke and it’s YOUR church who pays his wages - thanks to you. Yes, it's you that pay's for Burns to go about his persecution.

    Burns will be 'back to work' come Monday

    It’s sickening and offensive, to me at least.

    Clearly not the Catholic Church in New Zealand.



  4. Zen
    Lets just say if you knew what I knew about Dew then you might not think me so harsh.

  5. Paul, stop with the faux moral outrage. The only thing that is behind it is a whole lot of hatred for religion. You'll kick any dog that is down. For that reason alone, don't be surprised if everyone here ignores you. And, if you continue to post the same sort of inflammatory, repetitive comments, I will start deleting them.

  6. Seriously, are we still worried about a bit of paint when the tally of dead in Gaza is hitting 100 a day? The UN is reporting dead families in the streets and aid convoys shelled by Israeli army, and Fr Burns is to be hung out to dry for drawing attention to this outrageous slaughter?

    Oh, and Paul/Canterbury Atheist - Fr Burns repeatedly made the point he was drawing attention to the evils of the Israeli state, not Jewish people, and that he was firmly in favour of Jewish people (given Jesus was Jewish).

    Dunn's letter to the Herald is an outrage, and he still does not spell out exactly what it is Fr Burns is supposed to have done that is so terrible? Any actions critical of Israel are scandalous?

    One of the things that I reckon makes Fr Burns actions acceptable are his motives in trying to publicise and stop a massacre, and the intransigence of the Israeli lobby - the less people listen to your complaints the harder you have to work to get their attention.

  7. the less people listen to your complaints the harder you have to work to get their attention.

    That is a good point.

    The less people "listen" to the complaints of Israel being randomly attacked with hundreds (probably thousands) of mortar and missile fire, the more extreme their actions.

    Well, people are listening now.

    Fr Burns decided that the same approach is required. When you need to make your point by deliberately causing offense, the point is often lost (obviously not to the sympathizer, but they already agree with you).

    How do you think his actions are going to convince the Israeli lobby (whoever that is)? Would burning a synagogue to the ground and spitting be more convincing do you think?

  8. Sorry - the thousands of missiles comment was meant to be quantified by the time period of the last couple of years, not say the last month.

  9. Lucyna: If Father Burns didn’t desecrate peace memorials, then he wouldn’t face admonishment and vitriol. You may wish to ignore or skirt-around The Catholic Church’s (N.Z Inc) lack of direct action over this anti-Semitic act but there’s no reason why I should not call ‘a spade a spade’ (even if I do risk having my comments deleted because you I hold a counter point of view to your own) It was you that posted your own horror and indignation at his actions and asked for an appropriate response from Church authorities. Most New Zealanders would think Father Burns should be booted out of the Church – but we all we got was “we are sorry”. Not good enough in my books and I’m sure you yourself would have thought their ‘dish water’ response was insufficient as well given his extreme actions against the Jewish people and their state.

    Squaredrive: Hamas is a terrorist organisation with a political wing. It’s three main funders are ex patriot Palestinians (b.) the Iranian government (c.) supporters in other Gulf states, particularly Saudi Arabia. If these ‘peace protesters’ wanted to strike at one of the major root causes of the current conflict – then why not protest outside the Iranian Embassy? Why go just to the ASB Tennis stadium and The U.S Embassy? Make no bones about it Burns & Minto share a common bond with Hamas - they want the state of Israel wiped off the face of this earth. In respect to your little ‘selective’ bible lesson you forgot the little bit about the Jews killing Christ – which has lead directly to their persecution over the centuries. Being ‘good Catholics’ I’m sure Burns and Minto know the ‘passion’ story very well.

    Off for now.


  10. Paul, I suspect you are talking rubbish. Fr Burns is appalled at the loss of innocent life in Palestine. Your own hatred of the Catholic Church makes you see "jew haters" everywhere.

    The tone of your previous comments on other threads illustrate this very well. For example:

    Those sexually repressed priests have a lot of pent-up energy, that needs an outlet & without a real job, they’ve heaps of time to pursue whatever their ordained pet-hate is, this week.

    Such comments say more about you than the issue at hand. If you are suggesting replacing Christianity with Atheism, you are not offering a convincing alternative.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. "I offer an apology for Father Burns' actions and make this apology to all those who were offended at the desecration of the Rabin monument."
    I myself am offended that anyone would apologise on someone elses behalf for protest action.

    "'the less people listen to your complaints the harder you have to work to get their attention.'

    That is a good point.

    The less people "listen" to the complaints of Israel being randomly attacked with hundreds (probably thousands) of mortar and missile fire, the more extreme their actions.

    Well, people are listening now.

    Fr Burns decided that the same approach is required. When you need to make your point by deliberately causing offense, the point is often lost (obviously not to the sympathizer, but they already agree with you)."
    ZenTiger have you applied this logic to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? How do you think Israels current actions are going to affect whos minds, and whos minds to you really think they're trying to change? The Palestinians perhaps, try and shut them up, make them docile??

  13. Zen, mate, what evidence do you have there that Father Burns is in the least bit interested in the plight of 'innocents' in Israel?

    Did he protest outside the Iraqi Embassy against their funding of terrorism – surely this would be a more obvious target were one wanting a peaceful resolution?

    Has Father Burns even said “sorry” for offending every Jew on the planet when he desecrated the memorial?

    And when he was outside the U.S Embassy with his megaphone, did he take the opportunity to offer his condolences for those killed in 9/11?

    All he has done has poured ‘petrol on to the fire’- that's what he has done, and made international headlines.

    Stop defending this anti-Semite.

    Zen, I do not profess to speak for any cause – just the right to say what’s on my mind so kindly stop “playing the man not the ball” and address the subject of your employee Father Burns and what you think is an appropriate punishment for his actions?

    Also you may be better placed than me to answer why it is there are so many Catholics amongst the anti-Jewish brigade?

    By the way Zen, I am an equal opportunity vilifer. I’m neither pro or anti Catholic or Jew.

    Religion is not exempt adverse journalism.

    I see the world through different eyes, I'm not superstitious and I don't follow what other people have to say, nor say adopt the beliefs or politics of my parents.

    The very nature of blogging is to gain different perspectives, so if you guys want to make statements expect people to disagree.

    By the way, I stand by my statement Priests are sexually repressed - to argue other wise is a 'no brainer'.

    Off for now.



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