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Gay Marriage and Sufi Zio-Con Muslims [V2]

What do Californian "gay marriage" proponents and the English Muslim Public Affairs Committee have in common?

Both want their opponents tracked down.

However, Californian "gay marriage" proponents also want retribution against those who voted for traditional marriage. They have a list of names and they are not afraid to use it, nor shy about encouraging others to do so as well.
Advocates for homosexual marriage have even set up a website,, which lists hundreds of California residents, churches and businesses that donated money to the Proposition 8 campaign, urging sympathizers not to patronize those on the list.
But it hasn't stopped there. A number of persons have already been fired from their jobs for supporting traditional marriage between a man and a woman.
Protests following the passage of California's Proposition 8, which defined marriage as between one man and one woman, made news headlines, but the Pacific Justice Institute reports a growing number of cases where those opposed to the ballot measure have taken out their anger more quietly: by harassing – and even firing – employees who voted for it.
So far, all the Muslim Public Affairs Committee wants is exposure of those responsible. It has not yet come out and said what should be done about those Muslims who helped expose the sale of hate literature in British mosques.
Who are they, what are their backgrounds ... MPACUK will dig deeper and expose every last detail of the Sufis who tried to destroy their own community.

If you know who they are - please write in and we will expose these men and women for all the Muslim community to see. Write in now and let us do what the incompetent idiots in the Mosque should be doing, protecting our community.
The synchronicity in both these instances of groups going after their opponents in this way in the West is eerie.

Related Links:

MPAC launches a witchhunt against 'Zio-Con' Muslims ~ Holy Smoke

Voted for Prop 8? You're fired
Same-sex marriage activists target businesses, employees
~ WorldNetDaily


  1. Interesting, it seems that the same tactics can be, and are being, used by people of all faiths and politics.

    You may have heard of some sort of economic crisis in the USA, and that companies are layiing off staff. Some employers make the choice by walking around employee car parks and sacking those who have Vote Obama stickers on their car, saying "You voted for change, you've got change."

  2. Are you saying the left and the islamists are similar in the way they go after their opponents. No way, that can't be. Them, sharing the same totalitarian ideology whilst caterwauling about peace, love, diversity and tolerance, no way. Can't be.

    If only the sheeple were taking note.

  3. No, what *I* am saying is that these tactics are universally used. They are not the exclusive preserve of any one group.

  4. So much for the constitutional right of Free Speech.

    These people like to work the angle from both sides. If it was the other way around and employers were firing people for voting AGAINST prop 8 there'd be hell to pay - the homosensuals would be out screaming loudly and demanding that their rights of free speech and been broken. Because it's the other way around, they accuse anyone who voted for the Prop as being homophobes and the like.

    So-called 'homosexuals' can be downright nasty. It shows you what kind of people some of them are.


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