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Barrack Test

Sorry Barrack, I goofed on the test results. Should I move to Alaska?

I'm an embarrassment to Barack!

I only scored 15 on the Obama Test

Hat tip: Crusader Rabbit


  1. And you spelt his name incorrectly.

  2. Obama, Osama I get confused.

    I always wondered why his parents named him after a large building that typically houses soldiers. But I see now that I was in eror. I mean error.

    The advantage of misspelling his name is that I don't get too many hits from Barack Obama wingnuts.

  3. "Obama, Osama I get confused." - that's original Zen... ;-)

    I see Obama has doubled his lead to 8% points in the latest CNN poll (compared to previous month). And that's just the popular vote - he must be running away with it in the Electoral college count.

    Oh dear, the negative tactics did Hillary no good - I wonder why the Republicans haven't learnt from her mistakes?

    Yours etc, Barack Obama Wingnut.

  4. I think both sides have been trying the usual negativity. Barack's camp is just a little more subtle and gets a slightly better run from the MSM.

    I think the republican's "terrorist friends" effort was far too low and will not do them many favors.

    They would be better off going through the Democrat's long involvement in the sub-prime collapse (via the senate and via some foolish lending policy legislation), in terms of not laying the blame solely on their shoulders, but showing they are just as much part of the problem, and the solution requires both parties to step up their game.

    It would be far more presidential if McCain advanced some sound policy over fixing this issue and said "Should the Democrats win this election, then I will still pledge to work together to fix this problem, all politics aside."

  5. Agree with all that though the Republicans need to stop blaming media treatment - it won't get them anywhere complaining. After all, Sarah Palin got plenty of positive press - at least until she decided to voice an opinion (then the wolves came forth).


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