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Earth Hour

Here at NZ Conservative, we will specifically not be observing Earth Hour.

Neither will we be dancing naked around a fire under a full moon, should anyone suggest that be required in years to come.

Related Links:
Earth Hour: Cities, Landmarks to Go Dark
NZ kicks off hour plunging millions into darkness


  1. Oh I don't know Lucyna.
    Videoing your dancing under a full moon and posting it on NZConservative will attract the blog to a whole new audience :)
    And why not? The NBR yesterday was speculating how Naked News would look with David Farrar on it.
    I'm sure you are much more attractive :)

  2. It's something I might have done 15 years ago, but certainly not now. And when I say "might", I think I would have considered it rather than rejecting it outright.

  3. Fortunately, Christopher, NZ is not under his jurisdiction. Now if the Pope called for participation, that would be a different matter.

  4. If you can't be in Christchurch with us to reply to the warmaholics in person, send them a message by powering on your appliances tonight.

  5. Meaningless gestures. Give me real, concrete and sincere action.

    Today's masses seem to think being seen to be doing something is the same as doing something.

    It's not.

  6. Your posts seem eclectic as do your commenters. I wonder how this post jibes with the one about the Friday Night Free For All? It says your a conservative in your blog title but then you reject the idea of people actually conserving. What is going on, is this more of that down under opposite stuff? I do agree that seeming isn't doing but uniting with others globally and turning off your electric usage for an hour is doing something, isn't it?

  7. Refer to my comment on "meaningless gestures"

    Such gestures turn into "we've done all we could" and don't change much.

    Also, there is the issue about being an AGW skeptic (GW is something else again, BTW). Which doesn't take away a need to conserve and avoid waste, but does add another dimension to the discussion.

    I might do a post on this later to expand.

  8. Earth Hour. LOL.

    Being sarcastic.

    Does this also include. Not cutting down trees for an hour to save the planet?

    Promising not to fart for an hour.

    Hold ones breath for an hour.

    Don't drive a vehicle for an hour.

    BTW: While the Lights are out for an hour. Will those individuals partaking promise not to light candles or use the fireplace for some extra lighting. OH Dear there goes the CO2 emissions. :-)

  9. Actually Z, the meaning of the gesture, like the proof in the pudding, is that last year there were X number of participants and this year despite acid's sneering comments there were triple x participants. So it appears that the idea isn't to do it symbolically but to grow it literally into a plan for participants to share in the problem of taking care of our planet.

    I'd love to see the evidence of your conservation efforts in this regard and look forward to a further post on the topic.

  10. Which tells us that three times as many people of last year would like to be seen to be doing something about the environment without actually inconveniencing themselves - forgive my skepticism. Worse, three times as many people as last year spent the evening burning candles rather than electric lights largely powered from renewable sources - how does such a thing benefit the environment, exactly?

  11. Yay, contrarianism. The most sophisticated of political philosophies.

  12. That sounds nice rhbee, but it at best I fear it would only equal a "Feed the World" Christmas album that people buy and play once or twice to remind them they made a difference.

    Signing up a weekly or monthly donation to an aid agency would be more effective. Helping to depose rulers like Mugabe probably more so.

  13. Why I would think it obvious that the folks who are involved in this event are also donating time and energy to aid agencies and probably quite active in political ways that work to depose rulers such as Mugabee. Just because they participate in this public effort doesn't mean that they aren't also doing more than their bit privately.

    It seems to me a false conclusion you are drawing that because this event can be construed as just a publicity stunt that it really is one. The people I know who care care in many ways, some private some public. Whatever works.

  14. "..and probably quite active in political ways that work to depose rulers such as Mugabee."
    Would that be the ones of the same ideology which worked so hard to install the murdering thug?

  15. "...Hold ones breath for an hour."

    Now that would be great, if only all the leftists barracking to save Gaia would just do the right thing, and it would actually make a difference. But that's not really what this is about, it's more about 'feeling good'.

  16. No, it is about trying to understand why you evidence so much "resistence from behind", why you're blind to any attempt to move past the gridlock of the past and why you have such an apparent love of ideology over reason. I was reminded of this sort of thinking when I was re-watching the Bridges over the River Kwai recently. The look on Alec Guiness's face as he realizes what he has done by clinging to the past says it all.

  17. "No, it is about trying to understand why you evidence so much "resistence from behind", why you're blind to any attempt to move past the gridlock of the past and why you have such an apparent love of ideology over reason."

    No it's not resistance.

    It's just some of us have seen the the 'light' and know blatant propaganda, misinformation and BS for what it is and we're not going to be a lamb lead to the slaughter on falsehood environmental issues. Like CO2 Global Warming Climate Change and mankind is responsible for 90% of it crap, but we do support 'real environmental issues.'

  18. Good luck to you and your clan Rhbee, but there is no need to turn an hour of lights out as a triumph of reason over ideology.

    Over a year ago, the main lights of the Eiffel Tower were turned off for 5 minutes as a shining beacon of darkness for the environmental movement. The Tower has over 20,000 lights and consumes 7+ megawatts hourly.

    And they managed 5 minutes.

    My thought then, and it remains so today, is why not think hard about the 20,000 lights burning every hour from dusk to dawn? Then why not look at every building with lights on long after the last person has left for home.

    You may think this represents a triumph over reason, but I think it lets people mistakenly believe they have done "enough". A year later with an Al Gore sponsored rock concert and a couple of token 1 hour "burn a candle" exercises, and I haven't seen a massive change.

    I think our "thought leaders" in this space could spend their time better. Al Gore could start by making his home a little more energy efficient.

    As for the Eiffel tower, here's what the 5 minutes of symbolic blackness was prepared to risk:

    French grid operator RTE said there could be unexpected consequences when lights were turned back on.

    "This is not an exercise without risk," an RTE spokesman said. "It could trigger an important weakness in the system but we will do our utmost to prevent a blackout."

    I don't recall their being a blackout, which is probably a pity. Then it would have been a 4 hour symbolic protest, which may have made all the difference...

  19. Oh, and just to clear up any confusion: my above point relates to my general desire to not be wasteful, I'm not particularly enamored of the environmental cultists.

  20. Thanks, this has been quite enjoyable.

  21. You're welcome.

    FYI, The combined assault from you and Sean has weakened my opinion. I've taken on board your comments and figured I'm probably far too cynical. It just seems that the world keeps proving me right :-)


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