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If they looked at it honestly

Mojo has a post about Doug Howlett's recent vandalism in London:

All Blacks winger Doug Howlett (the monkey man) is in the clear after allegedly damaging two vehicles following a night of drinking at a hotel bar in London ... "If they look at it sensibly [my emphasis] it was boys out drinking being silly, doing things they normally wouldn't do."

If they looked at it factually, it was a grown man getting pissed and vandalizing cars.

If they looked at it morally, it is now about ensuring justice is done for the car owner by making the person (ir)responsible for his actions, to pay for those actions.

If they looked at it honestly, it is society's refusal to make people take responsibility for their actions, and effectively excuse bad behaviour that is contributing to this mess. "What mess", you ask?

Well actually, I'm a little peeved and saddened about another of Mojo's posts. But it seemed easier not to post about it, and instead put the boot in on good old Doug. I'll face up to my actions by linking to the other post. Make of it what you will. Personally, I'm wondering what is wrong with a little more tarring and feathering? And I'm not talking about Doug.

Related Link: Mojo - Privileged Sports People (and others)
Related Link: Mojo - Child Sex Abuse
Related Link: Deborah Coddington - Our women, damaged not promiscuous


  1. What has happened to the kiwi culture that once wore the cloak of responsibility and integrity ?

    Look at in now , you have politicians swearing obscenities and promoting violence inside the highest court in the land ( the beehovel) while MP's practicing slavery and a PM who continually demonstrates she is well above the law. Lest we forget para military Maoris and tree muggers training in the art of war as child abuse levels soar to all time highs . Winnie Pooh says it racism while the Maori party bleep on about Australian child abuse . God help these stupid politicians !!

    Then you got a stroppy headstrong All Black acting as a bloody idiot, because his status says he can .No responsibility or accountability !!I suppose it's better than belting ladies in night clubs - eh Dougy boy !! Another All Black tells us to speak up about depression and over a million kiwi's take anti -depressants !!?? Like the deluded politicians their status puts them on another futile level and everybody is reported by a jellyfish media along the lines simple antics of "tomfoolery" .

    God please help New Zealand .

  2. Yeah would be nice if he was made to pay for the damage, too often in society the crims are allowed to do what they want and the law-abiding are left to pick up the pieces.

  3. Apparently he managed to do about NZ$ 26K of damage, which he is paying.

    One of the car owners was also hoping for an apology. I doubt Doug is providing a rental whilst the car spends the next 2 weeks in the panel beaters.

    But, as far as the justice system goes, charges dropped and no blemish on his record. Let's hope he learns a lesson and becomes a better role model to his fans.

  4. The Brit owner of the beamer was interviewed on NatRad last week. He didn't sound too vengeful and he said that Howlett was paying all costs adnd commented that Doug's lawyers were apologetic and fawning (as far as lawyers go).


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